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How Every Landlord Can Prepare For The Holidays

Posted by Admin on December 5, 2018
| Property, Real Estate, San Jose News
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Newsletter Description: The holidays don’t have to be stressful— and we can prove it.  Check out these 3 useful tips every landlord needs to know for an easy, safe season! {Learn More}

The holidays will be here before we know it!  Between traveling, hosting, entertaining, and of course, shopping for Christmas presents, this time of year can quickly become stressful; don’t let your rental property become another source of stress!

3 Steps Holiday Checklist Every Landlord Needs To See

1. Winterize your rental property

If you haven’t done so already, make sure your fall and winter property maintenance are completed before you leave town for the holidays.  Not only is this important for keeping your rental home looking its best; routine maintenance also helps prevent property damage and forces you to pay attention to area that may have otherwise been neglected.

2. Confirm travel plans with your tenants

If you plan to travel during the holidays, make sure your tenants know you’ll be away, and provide them with the contact info for your property manager.  Conversely, you may want to find out if your tenants plan to be out of town; some landlords even include verbiage directly in their lease agreements requiring renters to provide notice of upcoming vacations.

If your renters do intend to travel, find out how long they’ll be gone for, and consider asking your property manager to check on the home while the tenants are away.  Additionally, make sure you have your tenants’ cell numbers saved in case there’s an emergency and you need to reach them before they return.

3. Get a head start on marketing properties that will be vacant soon

Generally speaking, it’s always a good idea to start marketing a rental home within 2 months of the lease expiration date if your tenants don’t intend to renew the contract.  That said, if your tenants are moving out before the end of the year, speak to a real estate professional about listing the home sooner rather than later.

Of course, prior to the new tenant’s move-in date, you’ll still want to inspect the property and repair damage as needed, but it never hurts to at least let prospective tenants know your home will be available for rent soon.

Trust The Bay Area’s Top Property Managers To Make The Holiday Season Even Easier This Year

Intempus has proudly become one of the most trusted property management firms for over 13 years.  We like to think of ourselves as strategic partners our clients can rely on, no matter what the circumstances!

If you’re interested in learning about how our property management services could benefit you, please get in touch with one of our friendly team members today!

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