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Green Home Ideas for Lowering Your Household Energy Bills

Posted by Admin on January 22, 2019
| Design, Development, Property, Real Estate, Remodeling
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The time is right to redecorate and beautify your home. This project can also benefit you household if you apply green design trends that can help you to drastically lower your energy bills and protect the environment. In order to help you reduce your carbon footprint and turn your home into a true place of comfort, we have singled out our top easy-to-follow ideas. Let’s take a look and get inspired.

Get energy-efficient appliances

First things first, we all know that the most power-hungry items in our homes are electrical appliances that work around the clock. Therefore, you can start lowering your bills by unplugging your computers, TVs and microwaves since these devices switch to a standby mode when they’re not in active use and still consume electricity. An even better solution would be to switch them for ones with high energy star ratings. Such devices utilize the least amount of energy possible for completing any task efficiently. As far as washing machines are concerned, you should opt for a front-loading one since these require fewer resources to function smoothly.

Reduce water consumption in the bathroom

Another important part of the home where you have to implement green design ideas is the bathroom. Since careless water consumption can raise your monthly bills by up to 30%, it becomes increasingly important to find the right solutions to counter the issue. For example, by installing a low-flow toilet, shower, and a sink, you will still have all the same functionality of regular ones, but you won’t be spilling unnecessary amounts down the drain. Thus, you’ll be helping the environment by reducing the need for water and wastewater treatment. Also, a smart way to use all the excess water from showers and sinks is to install a grey-water diverter which will accumulate it in a separate tank so you can use it for watering your flowers and plants.

Get the right windows

Replacing your regular windows with energy-efficient ones is a great way to earn a lot of money in savings. As the summer approaches, protecting the home from the heat becomes paramount. With this in mind, by acquiring green energy star rated windows with a low emissivity coating, you will be able to effectively reduce the amounts of harmful UV and infrared rays without blocking healthy natural sunlight. However, in countries such as Australia where the summers can be particularly harsh and hot, homeowners have managed to combat the issue by installing amazing blinds from Sydney that will deflect the outdoor heat and provide efficient insulation for the home as well. They come in a variety of designs allowing you to customize the look of your interior and are also constructed from eco-friendly light-weight materials.

Sustainable energy and materials

For the reasonable spender, sustainable building solutions are a crucial part of every green home makeover. Begin by opting for high-quality insulating materials for your home such as Bamboo. Even though it’s less pricey than hardwood, it’s an extremely sturdy insulating wood type and can be used for modelling your floors, walls and furniture. Additionally, it is low-maintenance, moisture-proof, possesses high tensile strength and can be easily replenished since it grows really quickly. For a true self-sustaining home, solar roof shingles represent a great way to create an independent power source. By being able to provide your household with energy in such a way, you can reduce the need for conventional fossil fuel waste and toxic gas emissions that pollute the air and soil.

Eco-friendly lighting

Last but not least, you can increase your savings by investing in smart lighting for your home. Firstly, feel free to switch to LEDs or CFLs since they’re highly efficient and last for a very long time. Research also shows that you will be able to reduce C02 emissions by a lot by simply switching one regular bulb with one of these. What’s best, these modern bulbs can be operated via app and possess smart features such as dimmer switches and colour changes to suit your mood or create an inviting atmosphere in the home. Finally, you can even install motion sensors that will reduce energy consumption by switching the lights on only when someone occupies the room.

As you can see, transforming your home into an amazing space with affordable green design trends is not so difficult after all. All you need to do is invest is smart energy sources, use sustainable building materials and insulate your home properly. Let’s save the planet together!


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