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Backyard Design Ideas That Will Increase Your Property Value

Posted by Admin on December 20, 2018
| Backyard, Design, Remodeling
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When considering upgrades to your home, one of the most important things you need to have in mind is how that’s going to affect the value of your property. According to recent reports, you can boost your property’s value by 5-15 percent just by updating the state of your outdoor area from poor to good. But with so many projects worth exploring, identifying the ones that’ll help you make a profit can be a bit tricky. That’s why we singled out five backyard design ideas that might be exactly what you’re looking for.

Build an outdoor kitchen

Many people nowadays consider outdoor kitchens to be a luxury feature and building one in your backyard is a great way to increase the value of your property. Not only does this type of kitchen extend living space but it takes entertaining guests to a new level. Luckily, adding an outdoor kitchen into your backyard shouldn’t be tough. Of course, if you want to make sure you get the job done right, you need to opt for colours and textures that complement the style of your home. When choosing appliances for your outdoor kitchen, investing in a quality built-in refrigerator, kegerator and grill is a good idea.

Plant more trees

For most of us, the backyard is the natural sanctuary we go to after a hard day at work. Therefore, the more greenery there is in a backyard, the better. So, in order to boost the value of your property even more, you might want to plant more trees in your backyard. The best part of it is that planting trees isn’t going to cost you much but it’ll still do wonders for your property’s resale value. If you decide to do this, we recommend opting for trees such as Dogwood and Silver Maple that can add style to just any backyard out there.

Design an outdoor seating area

What every backyard needs is a place where the entire family can gather and spend some quality time together. This means that if you want to sell your property to a family, you should consider the idea of designing an outdoor seating area. When it comes to seating options, there are all kinds of outdoor furniture you can opt for. We recommend going for DIY benches or comfy bean bags. In case you opt for benches, you can throw in a couple of pillows to make them more comfy. It’s also a good idea to install commercial shade sails to provide a protective shade over your new seating area. You’ll be safe from sun rays and rain drops, enjoying a pleasant atmosphere out in the open.

 Add a swimming pool

Adding a swimming pool to into your backyard is the safest way to add value to your home. This is especially the case if your property is located in a higher-end neighbourhood and most of your neighbours have swimming pools. Just don’t forget that the best pools are those that match the look of your home and the surroundings. So, depending on what your home and neighbourhood are like, you should decide between a modern swimming pool and a swimming pool that incorporates natural elements. Either way, turning to experts who’ll help you install a swimming pool is a must.

Turn it into a Zen garden

We’ve already mentioned that many people enjoy relaxing in their backyards. That’s why turning your outdoor area into a real Zen garden makes a lot of sense. Not to mention that buyers are more likely to invest in a home with an Asian-inspired backyard. In order to create a real sanctuary for relaxation on your property, you should create a sand garden and hang lanterns on branches. You can also include a water feature that produces relaxing sounds or allows you to have a relaxing soak out in the fresh air.

Each of these five backyard design ideas will help you increase your property value and make it easier to find buyers for it. Of course, even if you incorporate all of them into your backyard design, it’s still worth keeping an eye for some new changes you can make in your backyard.

Author’s bio:

Robert Clayton is a blogger with a degree in engineering based in Sydney. His interests and passions include DIY, green technologies and home improvement. He also loves good food, music, dogs and enjoys spending time by the ocean. He’s a regular contributor for Smooth Decorator, An Australian Home improvement website.


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