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7 Questions To Ask When Renting A Student House

Posted by Admin on July 10, 2024
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Are you on the hunt for the perfect student house? Well, finding a place to live while studying can be exciting and yet overwhelming. It’s your home for the next academic year, and you’d want it to be comfortable, safe, and affordable. But how do you ensure you’re making the right choice?

This article highlights the essential questions you need to ask when renting a student house. Read on to avoid common house-hunting pitfalls and find a place that suits your needs!

1. Is the House Furnished?

When planning your move, you’ll want to know if your rental property comes ready to live in or if you’ll need to bring your own furniture. A furnished place can save you money and hassle, especially if you’re moving far from home.

But what exactly is included? Request a detailed list. You don’t want to show up expecting a cozy couch only to find a worn-out bean bag. Remember to check the condition of everything, too. A rickety desk won’t cut it for those late-night study sessions.

Do your research to find housing in your school area with the amenities you’re looking for. For instance, if you’re looking for student housing near Ontario Tech University, visit this website to compare furnished versus unfurnished rental options. Think about your budget and effort before deciding.

2. What is the Total Cost?

The next thing to do before signing a lease agreement is to figure out the true cost of renting. In addition to the monthly rent, consider utilities, internet, and other expenses. Are they included or separate? You need the full picture to budget effectively.

For instance, a USD$1000 apartment might cost USD$1200 when everything’s tallied up. Knowing this upfront helps you plan realistically. Can you afford occasional treats, or will you be pinching pennies?

By uncovering all costs early, you avoid financial surprises and can make an informed decision. Savvy renters always dig deeper to understand the actual price tag of their new student accommodation.

3. What is the Policy on Maintenance and Repairs?

You’ll also want to know about the repair policy before you move in. Faucets may drip, heaters fail, and appliances malfunction—it’s not a question of if but when.

Ask potential landlords about who handles the repairs and how quickly you can expect files. You wouldn’t want to freeze for days if your heat stops working mid-winter.

Also, clarify the repair process. Is there an emergency contact? Do you need permission before calling a professional? Understanding these details now will save you stress when problems arise.

4. What is the Length of the Lease

The next question to ask is about the length of the lease. Some renters match the school year, while others require extended stays. Think ahead: Will you be around the whole time? Maybe you’re planning to move abroad for further studies or want to graduate soon. Don’t get stuck paying for an empty apartment.

Ask about housing options also. Can you end the lease early if needed? Or stay longer if you love the place? Understanding these details now prevents problems later.

The ideal rental fits both you and your schedule. So, before committing, make sure the lease length works for you.

5. What are the House Rules?

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Every house has its playbook. You’ll want to get familiar with it to avoid any surprises or conflicts. Can your friends crash on the couch? Is your drum set welcome, or will it get you evicted? These are the kinds of questions you need answered upfront.

Maybe you’re dreaming of adopting a furry friend, or you enjoy a cigarette now and then. Find out if pets and smoking are allowed before you sign anything. Don’t forget about shared spaces also. Is there a cleaning Rota for the kitchen? Are quiet hours enforced?

Understanding these rules helps you decide if the place is right for you. It also sets you up for smooth sailing with your housemates and landlord. Knowing the rules will let you know what to do and what not to do.

6. How is the Security?

Security is also a crucial aspect to consider. Your safety matters, so don’t shy away from asking about security. Start with the basics. Are all doors and windows equipped with sturdy locks? Are there security systems or cameras monitoring common areas? These features can deter troublemakers and give you peace of mind.

Also, check out the neighborhood. Is it well-lit at night? Are there other students around? A safe community can make a big difference in your daily life. Note that feeling secure in your new home affects everything, from how well you sleep to how comfortable you feel inviting friends over.

7. Can you Customize your Space?

You want your new place to feel like home. But before you start planning a painting party or hammering nails into walls, check what’s allowed.

Ask your landlord about customization rules. Can you hang that giant movie poster or paint your room a funky color? Maybe you’re dreaming of a mini herb garden on the windowsill.

Some rentals are strict, while others might let you go wild with decor. Knowing the boundaries helps you personalize your new house without risking your security deposit.

Remember, even small changes can make a big difference. A cool lamp, some colorful pillows, or a cozy rug can transform a space without breaking any rules. The key is knowing what’s okay before you start nesting.


Finding the right student house is a big decision that impacts your entire academic year. By asking these key questions, you’ll arm yourself with the knowledge to choose the right student housing.

Note that this entire process isn’t just about getting a place to sleep; it’s about creating a comfortable, safe, and affordable home base for your studies and social life. Take your time to visit multiple properties, ask these questions, and compare your options.

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