The following is a list of only some of the services we provide to our clients on a daily basis:
Accounts Receivable and Collections
- Issue monthly assessment statements (payment coupons) to all owners, listing recent transactions and total outstanding balance. A return envelope is included for the owner’s convenient.
- Accept and process all payments from owners, either via check, money order or electronic debit (ACH). Revenue is deposited into Association’s operating account on a daily basis.
- Track revenue on a daily basis, follow-up on delinquent owners, assess late fees to delinquent owners.
- Advise Treasurer when it is appropriate to place a lien against delinquent owners, and upon Board approval, will process a lien in accordance with CA Civil Code.
- Advise Treasurer when it is appropriate to place a foreclosure against delinquent owners, and upon Board approval, will process a foreclosure in accordance with CA Civil Code.
- Answers all calls, letters and e-mails from owners in regards to their account. “Account History” printout available upon owner’s request.
Accounts Payable
- Accept, review and process all invoices.
- Setup and maintain electronic payments with utility companies.
- Checks are processed weekly, and sent to the Treasurer with a copy of each invoice and a check register which details all checks processed during the week. Pre-posted envelopes are included for mailing checks to vendors.
- Correspond with vendors regarding invoices.
- New vendors are checked for licensing and insurance requirements.
- Current vendors are periodically checked for licensing and insurance requirements.
Bank Accounts
- All accounts and funds are managed (operating, reserve, investment).
- Association’s accounts are reconciled on a monthly basis (or in accordance with receipt of bank statements).
- Upon request, management can provide contacts with investment institutions which specialize in Association investments (CD’s, money market accounts).
Financial Reporting
- Provide monthly financial report to Treasurer and all Board members who request a copy. Report covers all accounts and includes Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Accounts Receivable Outstanding List and Check Register, as well as additional supplementary material.
- Provide monthly delinquency report to Treasurer and all Board members who request a copy.
Budget, Taxes, Reserve Study
- Manager prepares and submits to the Board a proposed annual budget, approximately 120 days before the fiscal year end.
- Upon approval of the Board manager revises and mails the approved budget to all owners, with necessary disclosures and rules package as required by CA Civil Code.
- Coordinate annual tax preparation and financial review with the Association’s CPA.
- Process vendor 1099 forms and submit them to the IRS.
- Coordinate with reserve specialist and assist with the annual reserve study.
Escrows and Refinances
- Upon request of an owner, escrows and refinances are processed from beginning to end.
- New owners are provided with a copy of the CC&R’s By-Laws and Rules, as well as a welcome letter.
- All incoming and outgoing correspondence from owners and service providers is managed.
- At the request of the Board, notices and special mailings will be prepared and mailed to owner
- Hard copies of all files are maintained and stored.
- All maintenance requests are processed and monitored through a work order system.
- Routine requests are forwarded to the appropriate vendor for handling.
- Non-routine and special requests are forwarded to the Board before proceeding.
- At the request of the Board, obtain up to 3 bids on any project over $1,000.00.
- Monthly “Work Order History Report” is mailed to all Board members upon request.
- Manage Architectural requests and provide feedback to BOD
You will be assigned a property manager who will supervise your community as follows:
- Supervise all activities and duties listed beforehand.
- Correspond with Board members on a daily basis via phone, fax, e-mail and mail.
- Act as a liaison between the Board and all other parties.
- Attend Board and Membership meetings at the request of the Board.
- Perform site visits at the request of the Board, and report on any findings.
- Supervise all contracts, including regular service providers, general contractors, utility companies and insurance policies.
- Negotiate contracts upon request and approval of the Board. (Manger will not hire or fire service providers without Board approval)
- Inform and copy the Board on important correspondence from owners and service providers.
- Advise the Board of new developments in the industry and law compliance issues.
- Prepare sample agenda for monthly meetings.
- Coordinate with attorney on legal issues.
- Coordinate with insurance claims office if a claim is filed.
- Manager or maintenance manager is available via cellphone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for maintenance emergencies.
- Our website is setup with a unique access ID and password for your homeowners.
- The Association’s Governing Documents, Maps and Minutes will be listed in the portal and downloadable by your residents.